  • 12 Feb 2017
  • 246
Essay Writing: Write to Win!!

Do you like Writing? Do you want to express your view on issue of basic social services?   Social Action for Change (SAC) together with United Sisterhood Alliance (Us) is excited to host an essay competition under topic “Women’s Rights to Greater Access to Basic Social Service”.  Applicants are required to write an essay to respond to at least of the following questions:   1. What are state’s roles in ensuring fundamental human rights to access to basic social services? 2. What are advantages and disadvantages of private investment in providing social services? 3. What do you think how the society will benefit when women get fully access to basic social services?    

Requirements:  •For Khmer Writing: Khmer Unicode Font, Size 12, Single Space, 3-5 pages •For English Writing: Times New Roman, Size 12, Double Space, 1000-1500 words •Citation of References is encouraged •Should include full name, school/workplace, and Contact information Please refer to flyer for more information!  
